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Southern Ocean State Estimate solution 2005-2007

The links below take you to files containing current results of the sose ocean state estimation. Be sure to adhere to our disclaimer and terms of use. If you are a new user please let us know that you will be using our product. All users are encouraged to contact us for a description of methodology, file formats, or with any other questions you may have. And please let us know if you require diagnostics not presently hosted on this site.

When using this solution please include the following statement: "Computational resources for the SOSE were provided by NSF XSEDE resource grant OCE130007." Also please cite:M. Mazloff, P. Heimbach, and C. Wunsch, 2010: An Eddy-Permitting Southern Ocean State Estimate. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 40, 880-899. doi: 10.1175/2009JPO4236.1

The SOSE effort now focuses on optimizing 2008 to 2012. The SOSE 2005 to 2007 solution is archived on this page (including the model run out through 2009, but this part of the solution was not optimized and is not the best estimate of the 2008 and 2009 state, please see the more recent SOSE results for the more recent years). Note the bathymetry is different for the two SOSE versions.

The matlab function rdmds.m can be used to read the output.

The model grid for this version of SOSE can be downloaded here (grid.mat -- let me know if you prefer it as binary). It is different from the most recent SOSE runs. Some information about the grid.

Iteration 59 -- created 31 October 2010.

Original tiled files are below. Global files, which are easier to use, have been processed for the state and are now linked to here

Five day averaged state, starting 1-5 Jan. 2005 and ending with 26-31 Dec. 2007:

    potential temperature [oC]: data & meta
    Salinity [psu]: data & meta
    zonal component of velocity [m/s]: data & meta
    meridional component of velocity [m/s]: data & meta
    vertical component of velocity [m/s]: data & meta
    hydrostatic pressure pot. anomaly [m2/s2]: data & meta
    stratification d.Sigma/dz (kg/m4): data & meta

Neutral density was calculated post simulation using the library of Jackett & McDougall, 1997: data & meta

Original tiled file output begins here:

This iteration runs from 1 Jan. 2005 to 31 Oct. 2009. No optimization has been carried out for 2008 and 2009 solution -- this temporal period is unconstrained.

    Five day averaged state, starting 1-5 Jan. 2005. 7 records: (1) potential temperature [oC], (2) Salinity [psu], (3) zonal, (4) meridional, and (5) vertical component of velocity [m/s], (6) hydrostatic pressure pot. anomaly [m2/s2], and (7) stratification d.Sigma/dz (kg/m4). These are separated into quarter years to limit file number and size, but these files are still large (data files almost 3GB) so please be patient with the download. Note that the simulation ends 31 October 2009 so Q4 of 2009 is a smaller file.

    Five day averaged surface fluxes, starting 1-5 Jan. 2005. 7 records: (1) net surface Fresh-Water flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 decreases salinity [kg/m^2/s], (2)net surface Salt flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 increases salinity [g/m^2/s], (3) net surface heat flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 increases theta [W/m2], (4) net Short-Wave radiation (+=down), >0 increases theta [W/m2], (5) heating from freezing of sea-water (allowFreezing=T) [W/m^2], (6) zonal surface wind stress, >0 increases uVel [N/m^2], and (7) meridional surf. wind stress, >0 increases vVel [N/m^2]. If one is interested in atmospheric variables these can be provided in the format of differences from NCEP.

    Five day averaged kpp diagnostics, starting 1-5 Jan. 2005. 4 records: (1) KPP vertical eddy viscosity coefficient [m^2/s], (2) Vertical diffusion coefficient for salt & tracers [m^2/s], (3) Vertical diffusion coefficient for heat [m^2/s], (4) Nonlocal transport coefficient [s/m^2]

Monthly mean potential temperature and salinity are available.

Daily mean sea surface height, and 5m temperature, and sea ice area are available.

Please let me know what other fields you would like.